Adams County, Ohio is interested in applying for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding through the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA) as well as competitive programs through the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA). The County is requesting qualifications statements from interested professional engineering and architectural firms to provide professional engineering, design, construction administration, and other related services that might result from funding through these agencies.
Please provide the firm’s experience with these funding programs. All responses will be evaluated in terms of experience, quality of work and capacity to perform. Qualifications and Experience Statements must address the following factors, which will be used as evaluation criteria for selection:
- An indication of which area or areas you are requesting consideration of pre-qualification.
- A brief history of the Firm. Please include information pertaining to major areas of expertise of the company.
- Firm’s familiarity with various funding agencies and experience securing and administering funding grant and loan funding, including the pre-application planning process, particularly for those programs mentioned in this RFQ.
- Past record of performance in relation to architectural and engineering services on federal, state and local programs.
- Professional qualifications and resumes of key personnel of the Firm.
- Firm’s representative project experience for areas seeking pre-qualification, including a summary of services provided, client and contact information.
- Identification of public authorities that have deemed the Firm pre-qualified. Include a listing of ODOT pre-qualified areas.
- A description of the Firm’s approach to managing workload, project scheduling, and deadline adherence.
- Provide any further information that may be helpful to the County in determining the qualifications of the Firm.
Please submit three (3) paper copies and one digital/electronic copy of the qualification statement. Any statement that does not include all of the requested information will not be deemed responsive.
Adams County has the right to interview any or all consultants and select the firm based upon review and analysis of the qualification statement. Adams County will enter into a contract with the responsible offeror or offerors whose qualifications will be most advantageous to the specific project and subject to negotiations at fair and reasonable compensation with the responsible offeror. It must be noted that certain services requested may be paid with CDBG or other federal funds. The maximum amount of any contract with the consultant may be limited to the amounts governed by the funding source and/or state agency.
Adams County reserves the right to request additional of supplemental statement as it deems necessary. Professional firms must submit an update of its Qualifications Statement to modify its qualification status with the County. Qualifications will be kept on file for three years after the due date. This request does not constitute a commitment on the part of Adams County to award any contract to any pre-qualified firm. Submit Statement of Qualification to: Holly Johnson, Director, Adams County Economic and Community Development, 215 N. Cross Street, Suite 101, West Union, OH 45693 by September 3, 2019.